Saturday, October 10, 2015


Fading night upon on the dial
Culling lighter shades of gray;
And I, witness to this unfolding…
With dreams from  lumbering night
 Tethered yet to loads of care
Caused to defer my morning brew.
Still the pulse of dawn I hailed 
While  flakes from yawning eyes I flayed.
Image result for morning images
Then through the veil came morning dove
Rousing my listless being with song...
Onto the window my soles conspired
Where the face of beauty my gaze amazed -
Radiant, ethereal – love supreme….
What lofty Renderings of a mighty hand!

And thus my lease of life  renewed
The ancient mystery  scrolls along
Another cycle of dream-time lore confirmed
As in slumbering death duly tromped
By the birth of the rising sun.


Hope KalĂ© Ewusi ©