Thursday, April 21, 2016


Image result for Creation

Words spoken in the cold…
Nocturnal fire burning bright
Breathed dawn into the fold;
Celestial looms weaving patterns-
Moons…..seasons and such
Tomorrow was here yesterday,
When the master plotted his grid.
 Image result for Creation
His ambient moon still hanging tight,
Makes light of mundane banality;
In quiet refrain earth, wind and fire….
Contest each other’s will-
While the river beneath marches to the sea.

I see a rainbow crouching behind shade trees...
Beauty despoiled by time and place-
Folks inventing angels when the truth is clear….
Such is the imagination of the uninitiated-
What good is knowledge without discernment?

By Hope Kalé Ewusi ©

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Into The Pithy Pitch Black Night

Image result for people groping in the dark
Receding hours
In transient flow
Ancient mystery
Of the kindling wand
Calls forth the dusk
To its noble course.

And the sun, having borne
The drudge of daily strife
Like an old lady tilling rows
Droops in orange beyond the veil.

Soon the cordial moon and stars
The reins would grab - casting their glow..
Illuminating the fretful paths we tread
Heckled by the loaded dice we throw.

Into the pithy pitch black darkness
Thus we step, groping for meaning
And abiding grace, deep into the night
For goodness sake , when it always seems to be
Like heaven is much closer to the earth.

By Hope Kalé Ewusi ©

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Biddings Of The Heart

Image result for heart's desire

Impulses rattling the cage
incessant, staccato as
summer rain.
Rivers of motivation coursing
through  vines, yielding
to the wishes of the roving eye .
As the flippant tongue intones
songs of the lyre liven the air -
raining mists of passion, amorous 
like fishes, foraging the deep , 
to tend the seaweed garden below .
Oh felicity, pour me a drink !

Spare me the mirror , morning sun.
another face ? - Same heart :
chameleon of desires of every hue !
Starved of vision ,the heart  is free
of vile and vain aspirations....
at ease with airs of sublimation
worthy of the fruits  of sanctity.
But importunate alas, the creepers charms,
onto falleness, the heart inclines.

'Tis of flesh the heart is made -
supple and raw - a bosom crude,
Full of wiles like Cain of old .
That which was meant to love 
and care , now conflates  
its purpose beneath the stars.
A jealous eye is hard to tame.
Covetous hands defy retraint.
What cruel fate on Jezreel's hill
did poor Naboth know, from the
conniving king and queen of Jews !

Image result for heart's desireThe heart betrays all but one;
He who was flesh,and yet divine
thus knew no sin, for goodness sake.
Not so for the first Adam and scions
of whom,fickle of heart - beguiled by sin
our mortal bane to him belong.
Yet by grace our hearts are freed from
the mighty wrath of time, thanks to
the last Adam's ennobling gift.
May the biddings of contrition 
henceforth inspire within, all that is
wholesome, just and pure .

By Hope Kalé Ewusi ©

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Right Before Our Eyes

" The Callous Politics Of The Day "

Image result for donald trump's campaign

It's all a joke the pundits said - 
A passing fancy bidding time
But like the hoofs of thundering herds
The loathsome trump is raking dimes.

It is happening before our eyes
The callous politics of the day.
Tropes of neo-fascism on the rise
Each moment's pulse a shade of gray.

Image result for donald trump's campaign
Run specter, run : heaves the jilted right
Rekindle our mirth with native acclaim
And our shriveled pride to glorious heights
Be stoked , with brazen myths that spark a flame.

It is happening before our very eyes
The callous politics of the right
Not the passing fancy the pundits lied
Our better angels must rise up and fight.

From the dreams of many, the one was forged-
A beacon of hope for derelicts and saints...
Back  when from ideas and noble thought came forth
A union , a nation of freedom with guided restraints.

So let not the raves of tyrants shape our views
Of what true democracy portends for all .
Lets claim our charter and shun the news
That preys on fears , it's time to stand not fall .


Hope Kalé Ewusi ©